Gerald’s Fettuccine Alfredo Recipe

Another one of Gerald’s bomb pasta recipes! You guys, the story behind this one is hysterical. Gerald and I got into an argument one night and I was giving him the silent treatment (because I’m stubborn AF and never apologize first) when all of a sudden this intoxicating smell starts coming out of the kitchen. He comes to sit down next to me with a bowl of this pasta that I’ve never seen him make before, gives me a bite, and boom! The argument immediately ended. It’s now become a staple recipe of his and I feel like it’s so much lighter and fresher tasting than your typical alfredo sauce. He swears the secret is making sure you use high-quality ingredients (e.g. cream + parmesan) I included a photo of what we use below.

Ingredients (feeds 2):

Salt + Pepper

1/2 lb fettuccine pasta

1/4 cup unsalted butter

1 cup heavy cream

3/4 cup Parmesan cheese (grated)

1 tablespoon fresh Italian parsley (chopped)


Bring water to a boil for the pasta and heavily salt the water. Once boiling, add your pasta and cook according to directions on the package. 

While pasta is cooking, heat the butter and cream in a large pan over medium heat until it starts to bubble.

Reduce pan to low and simmer for about 15 minutes. 

Remove from heat and toss with grated cheese until fully mixed. Season to taste with salt and pepper and stir in parsley.

Drain the fettuccine and toss it with the sauce. Garnish with additional parsley + grated cheese.

If you try it, tag me! XO